About Mary

Her Urban Fantasy series is centered around five women drafted to combat preternatural beings agitating for world domination and combines a fantasy/paranormal element with high stakes and the pace of action-adventure stories. Mary loves creating thrills, spills and spells as she follows the ups and downs of fascinating characters starting with Alex Noziak, the heroine of INVISIBLE MAGIC, INVISIBLE POWER, INVISIBLE FATE and INVISIBLE JOURNEY and Kelly McAllister, the heroine of INVISIBLE FEARS, INVISIBLE SECRETS and INVISIBLE EMBRACE. A prolific writer, Mary also co-authors the young adult sci-fi/fantasy Red Moon series with NYT bestseller Dianna Love.
When taking a break from the paranormal Mary crafts Writing Craft non-fiction including, A Writer’s Guide to Active Setting (Writer’s Digest Books), Writing Active Hooks and Break Into Fiction® co-authored with Dianna Love. If Mary’s not hiding out, find more about her and her writing projects by visiting:
She can also be found on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/MaryBuckhamFanPage
Twitter at https://twitter.com/MaryBuckham
Find Mary on Goodreads.
For information on Mary’s street team, Mary Buckham’s Book Ninjas, go to facebook.com/groups/MaryBuckhamBookNinjas/